Budget season has started! Each legislative session, as required by our state constitution, the General Assembly must pass a balanced state budget. After reviewing Governor Kemp’s budget proposals presented this week, my colleagues and I will begin drafting two budget bills: the Amended Fiscal Year 2023 (AFY 2023) budget and the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 2024) budget. First, the amended budget directs spending for the remainder of the current fiscal year and uses a more accurate estimate of state revenue to account for any differences between the projected estimate and actual revenue obtained. Based on updated revenue estimates, the AFY 2023 budget will include approximately $2.3 billion in additional revenue that our state can utilize over the next six months.
You can also stay in touch by visiting the Georgia General Assembly website to watch a live stream of the House in action, as well as archived committee meetings, and review legislation that we are considering.
P.O. Box 1445
Fayetteville, GA 30214
Phone: 770-412-2331; 470-452-5361
Email: msylvester@ggbcc.org or
Email: vthomas@ggbcc.org
Website Management www.qualitysap.com